what our clients say
Next Level Health!
time to add more muscle
You are within 15 pounds of where you want to be, you would like some resources to take yourself to the next level of active health. You want to get plugged into building more muscle through supplements, community and maybe even a fitness app?
We've helped over 1,000 people take control of their health. Our focus isn't just weight loss but also maintaining it and moving to lifelong health!
If you are working out, and not seeing the muscle gains that you want, I have to ask how is your protein intake and your amino acid intake? I often see folks restrict calories and attempt to gain muscle. If that is you, it is essential that you are getting enough protein. I have a few things that can help you! These products are third party tested, have no artificial sweeteners, preservatives or dyes. These are clean products!
Active Essential Amino Acids!
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and muscle tissue. There are two types of amino acids: EAAs (Essential Amino Acids) and NEAAs (Non-essential amino acids). NEAAs can be made in sufficient quantities in the body, while EAAs cannot be made by the body and must be supplied from food or supplementation. The body uses EAAs to help break down food, grow, and repair body tissue, build muscle, and many other important bodily functions.
Why you will love it!
Helps support healthy muscle*
Supports post-exercise muscle recovery*
Reduces muscle soreness after exercise*
Activates muscle protein synthesis*
Helps support muscle protein
synthesis during aging*
Helps support healthy muscle during aging*
Helps support healthy muscle metabolism during aging*
Active Whey Protein
This is an excellent source of high quality protein to help support lean muscle growth and get more protein in your daily nutrition. Each serving includes 24g of high quality protein.
Some highlights:
High quality protein*
Readily digestible and absorbed*
Activates muscle protein synthesis/activates the muscle building process*
Helps support healthy muscle*
Supports muscle growth*
Helps build muscle mass and strength. (with resistance exercise)*
Aid in/supports post-exercise muscle recovery*
Anytime protein or post-workout recovery*
Protein can help to reduce (feelings of) hunger*
Fitness App
Coming soon! Come back for more details!
We prefer that you reach out to us and fill out our health assessment so that we can ensure we serve you in the best way possible, but if it's 2am, you are surfing the web and just want to get STARTED, we understand!
Step 1: Click here! In the upper right corner, choose "create account." You will be invited to enter some basic information.
Step 2: Shop! Click shop - shop all. Click Active Shop. Choose the items you would like!
For a limited time, now through October 31, 2023:
New AND EXISTING Clients with a premier subscription will receive $10.00 off every ACTIVE product, up to $30.00!!!!!
Enjoy $30.00 off the ACTIVE Bundle (Two ACTIVE Essential Amino Acid (EAAs) Blends and one ACTIVE Whey Protein)
$7.00 flat-rate shipping and 5% Premier Rewards on any order of two or more OPTAVIA ACTIVE items†
Step 3: Check out!
Step 4: We will reach out to you within 1 business day to connect and get you plugged into our community and resources.